Cheryl Larder
Candidate for Representative Town Meeting
About Cheryl
25 Waterford resident, Widow (Bob -USCG Ret. & former Waterford letter carrier),Daughter, Amanda (Waterford H.S., 2010, UConn 2014)
Paralegal, (37+ years), presently Geraghty & Bonnano, LLC, New London. University of Hartford, B.A., Criminal Justice, 1984
Selectman 2003-2005; Bd of Finance 2005-2009, 2011-2015, 2015-2018, appointed liaison to Utility Commission and IT Committee.
Municipal Complex Improvements Building Committee 2016 to present.
Elections Moderator 2004-present, head moderator 2011 to present.
Personnel Review Board 2011-2017
2003 Waterford Charter Revision Commission
Southwest School PTA president 1999-2000 & 2002-2003
Having served on the Boards of Selectman and Finance, and serving on various appointed committees, I would appreciate the opportunity to now work for you as a member of the RTM.
I am strongly committed to open and transparent government, something I believe has suffered during the pandemic and video meetings of Town Boards & Agencies.
I am strongly committed to improving and maintaining Town infrastructure – ROADS! and Town buildings Deferred maintenance equals more costly repairs.
I have always been committed to smart/ conservative spending. Examining Town department budget and project requests for what they are and funding to the appropriate level of the need.