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About Us

Local Democratic Town Committees are the backbone of the Democratic Party in Connecticut. Our most important job as an organization is to identify, nominate, and work to elect highly qualified Democratic candidates for municipal, state, and national office. In addition to elected positions, Waterford also has more than 20 appointed boards, commissions, and committees that oversee various important aspects of our town government. It is the job of the Waterford DTC to recruit and nominate Democrats from within our community to volunteer for these seats.


You will see Waterford Democrats around town volunteering for political campaigns of Democratic candidates, supporting voter registration and “Get Out The Vote” efforts. We serve on boards and commissions, staff the DTC booth at community events, and organize periodic fundraisers to raise money in support of our candidates. Many of us serve as delegates to state and district conventions to have a voice in who our candidates will be each election.


We invite you to become actively involved in Waterford’s Democratic Party. All of our DTC meetings and all of our Democratic events are open to the public. All of these are announced in the press and on our website. We hope you will work together with us to support Democratic principles, elect our Democratic candidates and help us keep Waterford a great place to live and work!


The DTC typically meets on the last Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm. If you're interested in participating and learning more about us, you are welcome to attend a meeting. Send us an email at​


Our party welcomes your ideas and input, please don't hesitate to reach out to us!


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